- Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA), Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
- Archaeozoology, Biodiversity, Biogeography, Biological invasions, Biology, Demography/population dynamics, Ecology, Evo-devo, Evolution, Genetics/Genomics, Herbivores, Mammalogy, Mammals, Molecular biology, Morphology, Palaeozoology, Phylogeny, Systematics, Taxonomy, Vertebrates, Zoogeography
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Areas of expertise
I'm a Biologist (1995, Zoology, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), but I did my PhD on a fossil species (2004, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain), so I guess I can say I'm also a little bit paleontologist. I've had postdoctoral grants and contracts at the American Museum of Natural History in New York (2006-2008) and at the institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avançats (IMEDEA) in Spain (2008-2011). In 2012 I was granted a Marie Curie IOF grant to work at the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD, Austraiia, 2012-2014) with a return phase at IMEDEA (2014-2015). It's then when I started my current research line, ancient DNA. I went back to ACAD with an ARC contract (2016-2018).
In 2018 I started my current position, a permanent contract from the Aragonese Foundation for Research and Development (ARAID) at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en CIencias Ambientales (IUCA) from the Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain).
Although my first years my research was based on morphology of extint vertebrates from islands, including extinctions, evolution, etc, in 2012 I moved to paleogenomics.