CORBEL Vincent
- Biocontrol, Medical entomology, Pesticide resistance, Pest management
- recommender
Recommendations: 0
Reviews: 0
Areas of expertise
2010 Montpellier II University HDR (Accreditation to Lead Research)
2003 Montpellier II University PhD. Biology, speciality in Medical Entomology
2000 Montpellier II University MSc. Biology, speciality in Parasitology
1998 Montpellier II University BSc. Biology.
Work background:
2016-current: IRD Occitanie, Montpellier France. Coordinator of the WIN international network for tracking and combating insecticide resistance in vectors of ermerging arboviral diseases (https://win-network.ird.fr/). The network supported by the WHO (TDR-NTD) brings together all world experts in arbovirus vector control and resistance.
2012-2016: Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: Head of the IRD-MIVEGEC research unit in Thailand and responsible of the Vector Biology & Control (VBC) network (WHO collaborating centre).
2008-2012: Centre de Recherches Entomologiques de Cotonou (CREC), Cotonou, Benin: Head of the IRD-MIVEGEC research unit in Benin and responsible of the Anopheles Biology & Control (ABC) network (WHO collaborating centre).
2004-2008: Laboratoire de Lutte contre les Insectes Nuisibles (LIN), Montpellier, France: Head of the lab and in charge of the WHO collaborating centre for the laboratory evaluation of new public health pesticides.