- Plantes & Systèmes de culture Horticoles (PSH), INRA, Avignon, France
- Arachnids, Biocontrol, Biodiversity, Biogeography, Conservation biology, Ecology, Genetics/Genomics, Insecta, Molecular biology, Pesticide resistance, Pest management
- recommender
Recommendations: 0
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Areas of expertise
2006- : Researcher (CR1), Plantes & Systèmes de culture Horticoles, INRA, Avignon.
2002-2005 : Researcher (CR2), Abeille & Environnement, INRA, Avignon.
2000-2001 : Postdoc, Behavioral and Genetics of Social Insect, University of Sydney,
1996-1999 : PhD thesis in Agronomical Sciences, speciality Population & Ecology, Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations, Montpellier.
1995-1996 : National Service, Institut de Médecine Tropicale du Service de Santé des Armées, Marseille.
1994-1995 : Master in Populations Genetics & Evolution, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette.
Understanding insect population dynamics and biological interactions in agricultural landscapes is currently central in my researches. I use both demo- and landscape-genetics approaches to shed light on population dynamics. I conduct conjointly researches in community ecology to detect and to analyse trophic interactions. These researches focus on the understanding of ecological processes in apple orchards to enhance moth and aphid pest controls by their natural enemies. The finalized aim of these researches is to develop ecological engineering strategies to improve ecosystem services provided by farmland biodiversity to agriculture and their sustainability.
My phD and post-doctoral researches dealt with questions in evolutionary genetics, notably about the phylogeography and the reproductive biology of social bees.
Key word: population dynamics; population genetics; evolutionary genetics; landscape ecology; community ecology; agro-ecology; conservation biological control; insecticide resistance; Integrative Pest Management;
C-IPM European Api-Tree project (2018-2020) – Strategies based on agrosystemic approaches to control apple pests. (coordination: Aude Alaphilippe).
Agropolis Fondation CAPES project (2013-2017) « Orchard, semi-natural and natural habitat characteristics and agricultural practices that affect the parasitism of the fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus in apple orchards of the Parana region. A basis for biological control » (coordination Lino-Bittencourt Monteiro and Claire Lavigne; partnership: INRA, University of Parana, University Federal of Lavras).
ANR agrobiosphere PEERLESS project (2013-2017) – Predictive Ecological Engineering for Landscape Ecosystem Services and Sustainability” (coordination Pierre Franck; partenership: INRA, AgroCampusOuest, Université d’Avignon)
FRB SEBIOPAG-PHYTO (2014-2017) « Niveau de régulation biologique et d’usage des produits phytosanitaires le long d’un gradient de pratiques et de paysages : une analyse comparative à partir du réseau SEBIOPAG » (coordination Sandrine Petit).
FRB RéPARe (2014-2017) « Régulation Par les Araignées des Ravageurs en vergers » (coordination Pierre Franck ; partnership INRA, CTIFL, Sud-Expé, Station expérimental « La Morinière »).
FP7 European project PURE (2011-2015) about « Pest Suppressive Landscapes » (Work package coordination Graham Begg, JKI).