- CBGP, INRA, Montferrier-sur-lez, France
- Biocontrol, Evolution, Molecular biology, Phylogeny, Systematics
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Areas of expertise
2002-2006 Student at The Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan. Dept. of Biology, Cachan, France.
2006 Master degree in Systematics and Evolutionary biology. University Paris IV and MNHN –Natural History Museum- Paris, France.
2009 PhD in Evolutionary Biology : Phylogenetic structure and biogeography of fig wasp communities (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). University of Montpellier II and CBGP, France Supervisors : Dr. J.Y. Rasplus and Dr. Finn Kjellberg
2010-2011 Post-doctoral position at CBGP Characterization of agricultural pest species complexes, development of online tools for their identification. In collaboration with Dr. J.Y. Rasplus.
2012 Post-doctoral position at UC Riverside, USA, California. Dept. of Entomology. Molecular and morphological phylogeny of Chalcidoidea (Hym). In collaboration with Pr. John Heraty
2013 Post-doctoral position at CBGP. Biogeographical history and diversification patterns in aphids associated with pine trees (genus Cinara). In collaboration with Dr. E. Jousselin.
2013 - present Research associate at INRA, CBGP. Center for Biology and Management of Populations, Montpellier, France Research activities: Integrative systematics of agricultural pests and their natural enemies, characterization of species complexes and networks of interactions using NGS methods, development of identification tool (database / website) phylogenetic/phylogenomic analyses, life history traits evolution, co-evolution plant/insects/insects, historical biogeography.